Tuesday, April 20, 2010

University vs Institute? DkIT hands down!!!

Well its coming near the end of a seven year stint in third level education and i've just about had it. Now don't get me wrong its been great to be a student for so long but at this stage i'm tired of being poor and always feeling guilty when chilling on the couch because i'm not doing college work.

In my first two years of college I experienced the almighty Dublin City University and well to say the least I left unqualified and disheartened with the college system. You see DCU is a massive college and while the "academics" are supposed to be amazing I thought it was a whole load of crap for lack of a better word. I had to make and appointment to make an appointment (not a typo I really mean two appointments!) to meet a lecturer; there was over 300 in my classes and with a 40 hour timetable I was expected to do the same again in directed reading plus assignments, lab reports etc.; I often wondered where it would end. Then one of my lecturers screwed the whole class over for an exam which left 85% of the class repeating. At this i'd had enough and bailed asap.

So with no qualification and a basic job, I went to the Fitzwilliam Institute where I studied a diploma in event management which I paid for out of my own pocket as it was a private college. Grand introduction into the world of private teaching and the six month duration was enough to convince me to go for the full time course where I experienced DkIT in all its wonder.

I don't know about you but my experience here has been the best so far. I found it exhilarating that my lecturer would know me by first and last name and even more expect me to call them by their first name. Granted it was a rocky start what with it being a new course and all but I think I've learnt more here than I could in any fancy over priced private College or University. My internship was a dream come true. Who would have thought that college would send you to live in Florida for over eight months! The best part about it was and is my class. Ask any of our lecturers and we're the most close knit group you could meet. Granted we all have our close circle of friends but as a whole we all back each other up and in general get on well together. Can many say that from their college experience. I've met some amazing people through this experience, both within the college and outside of it, from close friends to long term work colleagues.


I even ran for student union president this year I like the college that much. Needless to say I was a little disheartened that I didn't win but I can say I did that, I tried to make a difference, a contribution.

President election picture

There's some things in the college that suck like anywhere else but the positives far outweigh the negatives and I can safely say if you don't know where to go to college, try DkIT, I'm sure you'll love it! And if you do know where you're going and its not DkIT, look again!

A little dated but you get the idea :)


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